Sunday, December 16, 2007


I used
It gave me access to many different categories of podcasts. I would mainly be using the entertainment directory.

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Discovering web tools #19
I had a look at this "Guess the Google game site.
It was on the winners list of the web 2.0 awards.
It was fun which is what we are meant to be doing, having fun :)

Zoho Form

Wiki Wiki

I found the subject guide wiki could be useful. To be honest I don`t have the need to communicate with others or to share information. If I did then this could be useful to me. You could use a Wiki in a library if people needed to have input on particular topics, tasks or discussions.

DEL.ICIO.US was a good bookmarking tool. It is a good way to search for information or websites and then to store them in one easy to access account.

Fatman sings.

Fatman says.....
Library 2.0 is here to stay.
Digital is the present and future for all libraries.
They just don't know it yet.

Most library sites stink.
Just check out and see why.
Its bland, not interesting and the graphics make you go to sleep.

So fatman says..


Technorati has 12,956 results for learning 2.0 on its site.
And 791,044 results for blogs.
844,472 results for videos.
71,922 results for podcasy
and 839 results for fatman.Technorati Search: fatman: "839 results for fatman "

Sunday, December 9, 2007

Online image

Trading card Flikr #5 and #6

Wasn`t it fun to have a play around with online image generators. Superman is off on a hunt for the Fatman after the Fatman was seen lurking at a library trying to confuse Blog administrators as to where he was up to on the staff tracking record.

Superman seeks the Fatman #5